Geocentric strategy of designing cultural 3D-map of Ukraine: new vectors of cross-cultural research

  • Gavelya O.N.

    National Academy of Culture and Art
    Kiev. Ukraine


The article deals with the possibility of promotion of cultural products of Ukraine to the world market based on the design of cultural 3D-maps of Ukraine, with the use of various modern management strategies (ethnocentric, polycentric, geocentric and others). Formation of the substantive foundations should be based on the results of cross-cultural studies of gifted personality values. A special place is given to the author of the article geocentric strategies orienting development cards for cultural objects and values in Ukraine, a set that has the ability to change the direction of the development of education, culture and science worldwide. This applies to the facts and events that have taken place in the history of Ukrainian culture, activities of prominent Ukrainians, who have created and create a specific cultural standards worldwide.

Keywords: cultural values, cross-cultural studies, cultural space, geocentric management strategy, cultural 3D-map of Ukraine.